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Let a Billings Rear-End Collision Attorney Help with Your Claim

Rear-end accidents are among the most common types of car accident cases that lawyers handle. Despite the fact that they are so common, these cases pose unique challenges and should be given special consideration. The injuries that result from these accidents can be quite serious, so it is important that your case is handled correctly. If you’ve been injured in a rear-end accident, you should at least discuss your case with an experienced Billings rear-end car accident attorney. 

Liability in Montana Rear-End Accidents

Rear-end accidents are almost always the result of the other driver’s negligence. They are often caused by the following: 

The issue of liability is usually more straightforward than in other car accident cases, as the fact that you were hit from behind is often considered proof of the other driver’s negligence. However, you will still need to prove your case. You should make sure that the police report indicates that you were hit from behind and keep a copy on hand. 

That said, the other driver may try to claim that you stopped suddenly or did something else that prevented them from stopping in time. Do not admit any fault in the accident and be careful about any statements you make at the scene or to your insurance company. 

Common Injuries After a Rear End Collision

Most rear-end accidents involve a vehicle that is either stopped or moving significantly slower than the other car. When that happens, tremendous forces are exerted on the vehicle that is struck, violently throwing the occupant’s body forward into the steering wheel and dashboard. Even with the safety features that come standard in modern vehicles, rear-end accidents can result in very serious injuries. 

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries that victims suffer. When struck from behind, the accident causes your head to violently whip back and forth due to the sudden intense forces exerted. This can cause severe strain on the ligaments and muscles of the neck, resulting in serious injury. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from whiplash:

  • Headaches, dizziness
  • Neck pain
  • Stiffness and lost range of motion in your neck, upper back, or shoulders
  • Tingling or loss of sensation in the arms and hands

These symptoms may not manifest themselves right away. If you begin to experience these symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention. 

In addition to whiplash, you can also suffer the following injuries:

  • Concussion
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Facial fractures
  • Internal organ damage
  • Lacerations
  • Broken limbs

The most important thing is to take care of your body and get a thorough medical exam if you’ve been involved in a rear-end accident.

Injured in a Rear-End Accident? Call Ragain and Clark Today

A rear-end accident can result in serious injuries, leaving you unable to work, take care of your family, or pay your bills. Billings rear-end accident attorney Jim Ragain has the knowledge, skill, and experience you need to get fair compensation. If you’ve been injured in a rear-end collision, email or call us at 406-651-8888 to discuss your case and how we can help.


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