Medical malpractice claims are probably the most difficult and complex type of personal injury cases. One reason is that these cases often involve complicated terminology. Another reason is that it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish an unsuccessful outcome from malpractice. Ultimately, it is almost impossible for a non-lawyer to […]
Birth injuries are more common than people realize and one of the more common birth injuries that children experience is a condition known as Erb’s palsy. Many of these injuries, including Erb’s palsy, are caused by medical negligence. If your child has been diagnosed with Erb’s palsy, you should therefore […]
Emergency rooms provide critical care at a time when mere moments can make the difference between life and death. They are high-stress, high-pressure, and sometimes chaotic environments where medical professionals rely upon their training and experience to make important decisions about a patient’s condition and treatment. Unfortunately, even the best […]
Medical Malpractice
4 Signs That You May Have a Medical Malpractice Claim
Ragain & Clark August 31, 2023
If you have been in a car accident, it is usually obvious when you have suffered an injury and may need to pursue a legal claim. This is not the case with medical malpractice claims. One reason is that people who are seeking medical treatment may already be in poor […]