COVID-19 moved much of our lives online. Services that were traditionally provided in person were made available over the telephone or via Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. The healthcare industry is no exception. While telemedicine existed prior to COVID-19, the pandemic greatly increased the amount of healthcare services available […]
Category: Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
Understand Your Options for Resolving Your Medical Malpractice Claim
Ragain & Clark March 15, 2024
If you are suffering as a result of medical treatment gone wrong, it can be extraordinarily difficult to find a way forward. Your most immediate concern is getting healthy, getting back to work, and getting your bills paid. Then, you have to figure out whether you have a medical malpractice […]
Diagnostic errors are one of the most common causes of malpractice claims. This can include misdiagnoses, delayed diagnoses, and failure to diagnose. Given that diagnosing your illness or medical condition is the first step in getting the appropriate treatment, it seems hard to believe that this can happen. Understanding how […]
Medical malpractice claims are the most challenging type of personal injury cases for many reasons. One reason is that these cases involve a lot of technical medical terminology, making it difficult for patients to even understand basic aspects of their treatment or illnesses. Another reason is that symptoms of malpractice […]